
Jan C. Almquist

Jan C. Almquist, a partner at Allemann Almquist & Jones, has just launched a new site showcasing some of his absolutely stunning photography work. I am grateful to have had Jan as a teacher in my final year of study at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where his unique insights into not just design but all modes of thinking were a constant source of motivation.



how did i not know you have such a great blog? well done! thanks for the link to mine too.. appreciate it! i'll return the favor

LC said...

When visitors seldom come 'round
It can be quite a tiresome Plod—
A comment or tweet, can lessen defeat,
More than The Obligatory Nod.

That gaggle of Analytic geese,
Collecting not just How Manys but Hows—
To labor and curse (like now, over this verse)
Means more than the casual Browse